After Hiding Underground For Years...

The Professor Responsible for the
43rd Ranked Amazon Store Is Finally Revealing All!

Get The Controversial Strategies Used To Train $20 Million Per Year Chinese Sellers...


October 8th and 9th, 2018 - Las Vegas, NV


Are You Ready to Take Back Control of Your Amazon Business So You Can Dominate in 2019 and Beyond?

3 Chinese Hackers (Who Are Making CRAZY Breakthroughs) Will Serve You the EXACT Systems That Will Secure Insane Results for You Too!

In Only 2 Intense and Intimate Days, You’ll Discover the Never-Before-Publicly Revealed Amazon Marketing Hacks That Launch, Scale, Rank and Hack Chinese Sellers to Massive Success... and How You'll Make a REAL Breakthrough In Your Business too!

Event Starts In:

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

You're invited to the beautiful and fun city of Las Vegas, NV where the greatest tactical secrets of Selling on Amazon every discovered will be revealed and invaluable networking will take place.

Dates: October 8th, 2018 and October 9th, 2018

There's nothing quite like fall in Las Vegas, and you have the opportunity to share this action packed yet beautiful weekend with some of the most successful and secretive sellers on all of Amazon.

Dear Fearless Entrepreneur,

Be Honest... What's Holding You Back from doubling or tripling (or even greater) Your business and Your sales in the next 180 days?

Whatever your current problems, struggles or obstacles are; I can tell you that they won't hold you back for long...
How can I tell that?

Because... if you're reading this, then you're a different kind of person.

You're smart.

You're talented.

You're gifted.

You're a natural born entrepreneur with a REAL desire to succeed.

You're willing to do what it takes to get your business, your income, and your lifestyle to the next level.

And NOW you have an amazing opportunity in front of you. And when you seize this opportunity... nothing will be able to stop you.
What is this opportunity?

Well... before I get into that, allow me a moment to tell you just a little more about a Chinese myth (a real person) who's giving you this opportunity, and why this is all happening.

The person I want to talk to you about is a man named, Howard Thai.

Howard has been called by many people, the "Professor Of Amazon"

...more on that in a minute.

Howard began selling on Amazon in 2009 and quickly grew his store to a Seller's Lifetime Rank in the top 100 on

His current focus is on branding, training and helping other Amazon sellers (namely in China), and he also helps massive online retailers streamline their fulfillment and processes.

Because of all of this, he was recently featured in The Wall Street Journal!

BUT, what almost nobody knows about Howard, is that he actually spearheaded and started a literal REVOLUTION just a few short years ago.

What did he do to start this "Revolution"?

He taught and he trained other Chinese sellers on Amazon... He taught them the tactics they would need to succeed and DOMINATE the worldwide market.

Let me ask you...

Have you noticed how Chinese sellers have been dominating on Amazon recently? That's because they know some very important tactics and hacks that you don't.

...and the truth is... Howard Thai is the Professor behind all of that!

In this way, Howard has created a movement and generated the entire launch lifecycle for new Amazon sellers. And he has been able to consistently achieve dramatic success with new sellers in 2018...
NOW, I'm telling you all of this because I wanted to let you know that Howard gets incredible results for the most advanced sellers in the world.

And beyond that, he's also NEVER taught these tactics to sellers in the Unite States, and he has NEVER held a conference in the U.S.

But he's finally coming out of hiding.

And he's bringing EVERYTHING to the U.S. so that you have the opportunity to learn EXACTLY what the Chinese are using to crush it on Amazon!

He's finally bridging the gap between China and the Western world, and I want you to be a part of this 2nd revolution...

And that's why Howard is finally revealing the *Amazon Professor's MBA


So... What is the *Amazon Professor's MBA?

Well, not only is Howard coming to United Sates, but he's also bringing two of his SECRET WEAPONS in business...

His Chinese Hackers; Kevin and David who are going to share the Deepest and Darkest secrets in all of Amazon when it comes to getting a complete UNFAIR ADVANTAGE for your business!

This is also the first time either of these guys have come out of hiding.

...more on them later
"If there's one important thing I've learned during my journey as an Amazon Seller, it's that making an obnoxious amount of money on Amazon is actually really Easy!" - Howard Thai

According to Howard, once you know what the Chinese sellers know and have the right systems in place (which are 100% automatable), you can finally start making a killing and live the lifestyle you've always wanted...

And that's exactly what he's been working on for a long time with these sellers in China - getting the entire process organized and putting together an Automated System for crushing it on Amazon.

Now he wants to give you that exact same process!
To cut to the chase, you're invited to the Professor's MBA*, an Exclusive Mastermind, which combines the collective minds of Hundreds of Millions in Amazon sales into one room for you to ask ANYTHING!

You see... Amazon is changing. And it's changing fast.

In fact, at this very moment, there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of sellers who have been completely devastated by these changes.

Many feel like their fighting a losing battle and are drowning in the competitive blood bath of Amazon's cut throat landscape...

Confused. Lost. Embarrassed. Many don't what to do with their Amazon businesses in these volatile times, and it can be very painful and stressful to adjust every time something changes.

...and if you've EVER felt even remotely like this, you're not alone.
Fortunately for you, Howard and his 2 Hackers have taken on Amazon and figured out everything you need to not only survive but THRIVE as an Amazon Seller. And they've outlined Exactly what you need to do in today's uncertain Amazon environment so that you can succeed too.

And they have proven that their methods work... Every Time!

Howard will be bridging the knowledge gap to US sellers by sharing the unknown exclusive and underground tactics that the Chinese are using NOW

You're in for a real treat!

Furthermore, The Amazon Professor's MBA* will be hosted in an amazing Luxury 5-star mansion where you'll be treated to the finest Mastermind experience you've ever had and could ever imagine... that I can promise!


Imagine... at 9am on October 8th in the perfect October weather of the West Coast, you will walk into the large double doors of this 40 person mansion to be greeted by your hosts.

After meeting some of the other attendees and settling in, the Myths behind Chinese sellers finally reveal themselves for the first time in the United States.

The presentations begin in this luxurious mansion, and you learn completely Mind Bending information... the kind of things you didn't know that you didn't know.

After a full day of Life Altering and Business Changing intensive workshops that give you an unfair advantage over other sellers, the day of learning comes to an end and you get the opportunity to relax and reflect.

You explore the Wine Cellar in the basement to select a bottle of wine of your choice to unwind and meet with your fellow Amazon Sellers.

You kick back and relax by the pool and enjoy the fresh Las Vegas air having incredible conversation with Howard, David, Kevin, and the other sellers at the event.

After discussing what you learned the first day, you decide to head over to the Las Vegas strip and explore the Casinos with some of the mastermind group (most Major Hotels are only a few miles away from the mansion venue).


After exploring some of the night life, you finally retire to your hotel or your private room in the mansion and drift off to sleep, recapping the Miracle secrets that were exposed to you.

The next day, you return to learn even more and repeat!

Simply put, at this event you'll get the opportunity to network and make lifelong friends with incredibly successful men and women from all walks of life.

For example... you'll meet and work one-on-one with Howard who is responsible for thousands of #1 position rankings in Amazon for the most competitive keywords.

You'll even have the opportunity to build long-term business relationships with Legendary sellers from China who have sold over $20 Million annually!
With a network of friends this powerful and exclusive, any road blocks you come across in your business can EASILY be dissolved... so you can start crushing you goals in 2018 without the same time, effort and wasted cash most sellers have to put in.

With the right network, you can do almost anything!
When you decide to join me, you will become close friends with and learn from Amazon Sellers who are ACTUALLY SELLING MILLIONS of Dollars in Products per year in an intimate environment!

You'll Get ONE on ONE advice from top sellers on how to grow and scale your business this year and for years to come!
Plus, you'll get a FREE Personalized business Blueprint put together by 7 and 8 figure Amazon sellers!

ACT NOW to sit down ONE on ONE with Amazon Sellers and get their advice on how to SCALE your business to the moon...

Plus we will have the resources and teams there to help you one-on-one so you can achieve the sales targets you want and finally get the financial freedom and prosperity you deserve!

This is going to be the event that will alter the course and momentum of your business forever.

WARNING: This Mastermind is NOT for everyone. This is only for ambitious action takers who are ready to apply proven systems and sales boosting strategies to take your business to massive success. This is Also An Expensive Event for High Level Entrepreneurs! If you are not willing to do the work and put in the investment, DO NOT apply for this mastermind - you will not be accepted.

Meet The Never-Before-Seen Underground INNOVATORS Responsible for Thousands of Keywords Ranked On Page 1, Hundreds of Best Selling Launches, and Hundreds of MILLIONS of Dollars in Sales!



Kevin is a young Amazon Seller and entrepreneur who is delivering results despite his age. With 4 years of operations experience, he has unique and insightful strategies and processes for product promotion via "rhythm control."


Howard Thai

Howard is a former top 100 Seller on and is known as a "The Professor of Amazon." He has single-handedly spearheaded the entire launch lifecycle and training of Chinese Amazon Sellers and achieves dramatic success.



David is one of the Top 3 Amazon Sellers in Japan with annual sales of over $20 MILLION dollars. He specializes in product selection, CPC advertising, off-site traffic, and utilizing never before seen tactics to create the hottest selling products on Amazon.


Discover The Mastermind That Will Change Everything:

At this mastermind, Howard and his guests will reveal the underground information that everyone else is afraid to share... You'll learn what's going to work in 2019 and beyond. And you're also going to get tons of valuable bonuses and Discover the Most Controversial and Forgotten Hacks in all of Amazon!

Here Are Just a Few of The Juicy Hacks, Tactics and Strategies That Will Be Revealed At The Amazon Professor's MBA...

The A9 Algorithm Changes for 2019 Launches - The 2019 revision of the exact strategy that has ranked thousands of products to #1 for their main keywords on Amazon! You'll receive the step-by-step bullet proof process. You'll even see a LIVE example of this tactic that gives you real proof that it works better than ever!

Fine Tuning for an Evergreen Amazon Account - With suspension being a major issue for sellers recently, we've discovered the cocktail to keep your account thriving and will hand you a plug and play template to get your account back if you ever do get suspended!

Uncovering the Truth About BSR - The truth is, Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) is greatly understood... If you think you understand how BSR works, unfortunately you probably don't, as there are several variables that determine if your BSR goes up or down. Lucky for you, you'll walk away from the *Professor's MBA knowing everything you need.

How The Chinese Rank Keywords in 7 Days - Ever wondered how the Chinese sellers are ranking their brand new products to the first page for hyper-competitive keywords in just seven days or less? You're getting the keys to the kingdom and all will be revealed at this private mansion mastermind!

The BIG 3 Checklist to Amazon Accounts - Did you know that there are THREE different types of Amazon accounts? (and no, I'm not talking about Seller Central, Vendor Central, or even Vendor Express) ...With great knowledge comes great power, and we're going to be teaching you about the three different kinds of Amazon accounts and how you can use this completely unknown information to your advantage!

Cutting Edge Strategies No One Else Knows - You'll learn why these strategies aren't being taught anywhere else, and how you can start using them before anyone else! ...As a sneak peak, do you know how to IMMEDIATELY reduce your freight shipping costs in under 30 seconds?

Only 30 People Allowed Admission - You get to be part of an exclusive and intimate network, with up-close and personal access to Howard and the rest of the incredible speakers. You'll get to ask ANY question on your mind, receive one-on-one help, and leave the event ready to dominate Amazon in 2019 and beyond!

PLUS When You Sign Up For The Innovator's Hackathon Today... You'll Get ALL Of These Spectacular Bonuses!

Bonus #1: THREE Professor's Answer Keys

Howard has mentioned that the primary thing he used to struggle with was knowing which keywords to go after when optimizing his listing, launching products, and running sponsored products...

- Which keywords have the highest volume?
- Which keywords have the most relevance?
- Which keywords have the most sales?
- Which keywords have the best conversion rate?
- Which keywords will make me the most amount of profit?

Well... that all changed, and he didn't have to ask those questions anymore when he invented his Professor Answer Key.

Howard has never discussed this secret weapon before. And considering this his first event in the US, it's also the very FIRST time he has ever discussed this.

When you sign up for the Professor's MBA, you will recieve the most comprehensive report of competitive intelligence, giving you UNFAIR amounts of data and insight into your top competitors so you can outmaneuver them and Crush it in 2019!

With this single report, you will hold in your hands a literal map for how to win... Imagine if you knew your competitor's EVERY move... Do you think you could defeat them? Of course! And with this FREE Bonus report, I can guarantee you'll have the cutting edge advantage that will put you in a position to WIN!

...Many sellers would pay as much $2,000 for a SINGLE report of this comprehensive data. But when you sign up today, you get 3 - YES! THREE - of these reports.

If you have ever struggled to get the BEST keywords with 100% certainty, then look no further, because your problem has now been solved!

Bonus #2: The Suspension Shield

You'll discover the system used to bulletproof and safeguard your brand, product listings, and seller account against Amazon's ban hammer.

Many sellers lose sleep every night over the very real possibility that their account or best selling product could be shut down at any moment... and the truth is, if you don't have safeguards in place, you're gambling with your account and your entire business.

But don't worry anymore! Howard has done the intensive research and solved this problem to a point where even the most black hat sellers in China are NOT getting suspended. And when you sign up for this exclusive mastermind, they're handing you the keys to the kingdom.

Now you will finally not only be able to appeal suspensions or banned products if anything goes south, but you'll even be able put up your very own suspension shield so you can finally rest easy that your brands, products and account are secure and ironclad.


"Howard is well renowned in the Amazon world as The Professor.

He knows the ins and outs of the Amazon platform and has helped countless sellers with his amazing hacks and insight.

One of his big strengths is the inside track he has to many Chinese sellers where he can learn their strategies and share which help them dominate Amazon. In his recent China Mastermind he invited some multi-million dollar Chinese sellers to share their secrets. It was a real eye opener for everyone who attended."

- Peter

Bonus #3: Electric Promotional Hacks

When customers go to Amazon and begin searching for products to buy, many will search through Amazon's promotional tabs such as Deal of the Day, Best Deals, etc...

"We've been able to reverse engineer how to literally rank in Amazon's promotional categories consistently over and over again... This can literally double or triple sales overnight for an extended period of time." - Howard Thai

In this bonus, you're going to learn how Howard gets his products to rank in Best Deals and Deal of the Day sections of Amazon with predictability and consistency.

Not only that, but you'll also learn the most powerful and confidential strategies in all of Amazon when it comes to running Lightning Deals. Many Chinese Sellers run lightning deals EVERY day! And now you'll be able to also.

This is valuable free traffic that comes in groves. Like dominating all of Park Place on the Monopoly board. They might think, "oh this is the most popular brand, let's buy it." That's how the Impulse buyers mind operates - and you win!

This one bonus alone, is EASILY worth your entire investment to attend the *Professor's MBA mansion mastermind.


Bonus #4: The Forbidden Ranking Formula

You will also get direct access to the deepest and darkest secrets of the A9 algorithm - exposing everything that Amazon has been trying to hide from you.

Imagine if there was a reliable way to rank a new (or even old) product to page one quickly, cost effectively, and consistently with NO giveaways...

Organic traffic from ranking is still the Holy Grail of Amazon sales, and 99% of that traffic is on page 1. If you're not on page 1, no one will see your product, and you aren't going to make any sales.

The cold hard truth is, you have to either figure out the ranking formula, or you'll always be struggling with your Amazon business while the sellers who know how to rank speed past you.

Well, Howard has actually discovered the few puzzle pieces of information that dictate how Amazon ranks your products. This secret formula has gotten his products and his clients products ranked to page 1 over an over again with predictability.

These tactics cannot be discussed here, and will require an NDA to be learned. It's up to you... discover these tactics or continue to struggle in your Amazon business.

By the end of this event, you'll have the skills and know how that could make you Tens or Hundreds of Thousands in no time flat! But with great power comes great responsibility, so tread lightly...


"Just a few short months ago, I was a relatively new Amazon seller going the private label route... and after over a year of grappling with Amazon, my company still wasn't where I wanted it to be

Then I got the invitation from Howard to attend one of his masterminds in China, and things started to turn around.

After attending for just 2 days, the Hacks that were shown totally changed my idea of how Amazon REALLY works. It gained tremendous insight and amazing knowledge. I grasped the idea of how real professional Amazon sellers are ranking their products and generating a ton of sales. I even learned about account safety and how to grow a long term Amazon business.

Now my business is going to explode. It's hard to imagine where I would be now without Howard - The Professor of Amazon!"

- Kevin

Bonus #5: The Advertising Accelerator

You will also get Exclusive Access to Howard's and his guests' proprietary hacks for running INSANELY Profitable Advertising on Amazon. They're holding nothing back, answering every question you have, and giving you Everything you could possibly need to on a silver platter...

Did you know that there is actually an SEO process for Sponsored Products? You'll discover the advanced and jaw dropping tactics for sponsored products that practically guarantee you're displayed above your competition for cheaper - taking all of their traffic!

You'll also be shown Step-by-Step how to generate more natural traffic to your listing and a system that generates as low as a 5% ACoS using the proprietary "gold mining" hack!

This has never been revealed before, so you're in for a real treat and will be the very first to see how the Chinese are doing this...


Bonus #6: Contemporary Sourcing Cocktail

More than anything else, China's Proprietary product selection methodologies are the most sophisticated and tactical opportunity of the decade!

Howard has discovered a literal gold rush of product ideas that has been Responsible for Tens of Millions of Dollars in sales on Amazon... But these methods have not been seen ANYWHERE in the United States - until now.

Learn why the old product selection model is dying and the new model is helping sellers to thrive more than ever. It's almost scandalous how powerful this is!


Your Network Is Your Net Worth.... . .and this Mastermind Will Connect You with the Right People!

All you have to do is connect yourself with the right network and everything in your life and business will grow and change for the better...

As your Mastermind event comes to a close, you will walk away with a refreshed mindset, creative ideas, a brilliant action plan, and so much more. But you will also leave the event with New Life Long Friends and invaluable business connections that will improve your life and take your business to the next level.

Howard has made special arrangements for you and all other members of the *Professor's MBA mansion mastermind to ensure you make valuable connections atop learning cutting edge strategies for Amazon in 2018. Even when the event has ended, I know that it will be just the beginning of the true value you take away.

Getting to know someone or making a close friend at this Mastermind could easily open the floodgates to unlimited opportunities. Imagine if you made just one connection that could double your business... you could even discover your next business partner!


Click The Button Below Now to Secure Your Spot and schedule a call so we can have a conversation to make sure you're a good fit for the *Professor's MBA...


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